My name is Bram Conings, born in 1987 and based in Belgium close to the North Sea coast.
Since childhood I have a fascination for the natural world. But it was not until my studies before it really infected me. Many hours were spent in the field and it became very clear I had a weakness for mammals, amphibians and the sea with its inhabitants.
Soon, the astonishment of nature’s beauty made me start photographing.
After years of trial and error (actually I still do), pictures get better. And with that, I prefered documenting species that are more difficult to find or photograph. It requires preparation, knowledge -like understanding habitats and behaviour-, and many hours, days or weeks outside, which makes it very explorative.
Beside nature close to home, I love travelling through Europe in search of wildlife. With playgrounds like wild coasts, mighty mountains and deep caves those experiences brings me in a state of flow, full of energy and passion.
…“The beauty of nature led me to photography“